【主讲】 Takeshi Amemiya,斯坦福大学
【主题】 古希腊和古代中国时期的经济和经济学
【时间】 2011-10-13(周四)14:30-16:00
【地点】 清华经管学院 伟伦楼409
【语言】 英文
【主办】 英国best365官方网站入口经济系
【Speaker】 Takeshi Amemiya, Stanford university
【Topic】 Economy and Economics in Ancient Greece and China
【Time】 14:30-16:00, 2011-10-13, Thursday
【Venue】 Weilun 409, Tsinghua SEM
【Organizer】Department of Economics
I will first outline the economies and then compare the economic thoughts.
As for Greece, we consider Athens of 5th and 4th century BC, and as for
China, we consider the period from 戦国時代 to end of 前漢(453BC-8AD).In
these periods, industry and commerce developed and monetary economy matured
in both places. (Cf. Chronology Table) We let Athens represent Greece
because monetary economy developed there more than any other place in Greece
as well as because greatest amount of data is available there.
We should be aware about the big difference in the size of both places.
Attica (Greater Athens) is 2,500 square kilometer wide, whereas China in the
aforementioned period contained land 7,000,000 square kilometer wide, 2,800
times as much as that of Attica. As for population, 前漢末中国人口約
60,000,000人 and Athens 約150,000人: thus, ratio roughly 400 to 1.
Economic data are mostly derived from 出土文字資料. They are abundant for
Athens in the 5th and 4th century BC and compiled in Inscriptiones Graecae.
However, in China 出土文字資料 concerning economy in 戦国時代 is scarce. It
is more abundant in 秦漢時代. See for example 『居延漢簡』、中国簡牘集成編輯
委員会編『中国簡牘集成』、『睡虎地秦墓竹簡』、『張家山漢簡』. Also we can
find out more about the economy of 前漢 from such works as 司馬遷『史記』、
班固『漢書』. For that reason the period we consider for China is chosen to
be from 戦国時代 to the end of 前漢.