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11月3日 张中祥(美国东西方中心) 美国的碳关税建议: WTO框架下的考量与中国的应对

2011年10月28日 00:00

【主讲】 张中祥,美国东西方中心研究部资深研究员

【主题】 美国的碳关税建议: WTO框架下的考量与中国的应对

【时间】 2011-11-03(周四)10:00-11:30

【地点】 清华经管学院 舜德楼201

【语言】 英文

【主办】 英国best365官方网站入口经济系

【Speaker】 Zhongxiang Zhang, Senior Fellow, Research Program of East-West Center of USA

【Topic】 The U.S. Proposed Carbon Tariffs, WTO Scrutiny and China’s Responses

【Time】 10:00-11:30, 2011-11-03, Thursday

【Venue】 Shunde 201, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Economics


To date, border carbon adjustment (BCA) measures in the form of emissions allowance requirements (EAR) under the U.S. proposed cap-and-trade regime are the most concrete unilateral trade measure put forward to level the carbon playing field. The U.S. EAR clearly targets major emerging economies, such as China. This talk first scrutinizes the U.S. EAR against WTO provisions and case laws and methodological challenges in implementing EAR. The talk then recommends what is to be done on the U.S. side to minimize the potential conflicts with WTO provisions in designing its BCA measures, and provides suggestions for China on how to effectively deal them to its advantage. Finally, the talk argues that there is a clear need within a climate regime to define comparable efforts at the international level, and questions China’s stance on this issue.