【Speaker】Peter Ping Li, Professor of International Business at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China, and Professor of Chinese Business Studies at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
【Speaker】Tom Butler, CEO, The International Council on Mining and Metals Limited (ICMM)
【Topic】Responsible Mineral Development: A luxury for Bulls or necessity for Bears?
【Time】Wednesday, Septem...
【Speaker】John Addison, Professor, University of South Carolina
【Topic】Collective Bargaining and Innovation in Germany: A Case of Cooperative Industrial Relations
【Time】Wednesday, September 21,...
【Speaker】David Neumark, Professor , University of California
【Topic】Is it Harder for Older Workers to Find Jobs? Evidence from a Field Experiment
【Time】Tuesday, September 21, 15:30-16:30
【Speaker】Yacheng Sun, Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Colorado
【Topic】Demand Dynamics in the “Rental-by-Mail” Business Model
【Time】Sunday, September 18, 10:00-11:30
【Speaker】Professor Stephen Cummings, Victoria University of Wellington
【Title】Classic Western model, and China’s indigenous approaches to innovation and creativity
【Venue】Room 513, Weilun Build...