【Speaker】Dr. Ian P. McCarthy, Professor, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University
【Topic】The propensity and speed of technology licensing
【Time】Monday, December 11, 10:00-11:30
【Speaker】Vijay Mookerjee, Charles and Nancy Davidson Chair Professor, University of Texas at Dallas
【Title】Continuous Stochastic Structural Models with Applications: A Tutorial
【Time】Monday, Dec...
【Speaker】Guang MA, Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
【Topic】Regulatory Enforcement Actions and Financial System Stability
【Time】Thursday, December 7, 14:00-15:30
【Speaker】 Lihui Lin, Associate Professor, Tsinghua SEM
【Title】Pricing or Advertising? A Game Theoretic Analysis of Online Retailing
【Time】Thursday, November 30, 12:00-13:30
【Venue】Room 401, We...
【Speaker】Fuhai Hong, Associate Professor, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
【Topic】Identity in Public Goods Contribution
【Time】Thursday, December 7, 15:30-17:00
【Venue】Room 223, Shun De building, ...
【Speaker】Noah Lim, Professor of Marketing, Wisconsin School of Business,University of Wisconsin-MadisonA ssistant Professor of Marketing, UC Riverside
【Topic】Examining Salesperson Effort Allocati...
【Speaker】Richard J. Butler, Professor, Brigham Young University
【Topic】Causal Inference Framework for Networks: the GES Application for Banks/Insurers Stock Returns
【Time】Wednesday, November 29,...