【Speaker】Jiatao Li, Chair Professor of Management, Lee Quo Wei Professor of Business, and Director of Center for Business Strategy and Innovation, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
【Speaker】Simin He , Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Associate Professor
【Topic】Complexity and Expectation Formation
【Time】Tuesday, Nov.5 15:30-17:00
【Location】Room 220, Shunde Bu...
【Speaker】Lan, Xiaohuan , Fudan University, Associate Professor
【Topic】Tractor vs. Animal: Rural Reforms and Technology Adoption in China
【Time】Thursday, Nov.07 15:30-17:00
【Location】Room 220,...
【Speaker】Yinglei Zhang, Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
【Topic】Understanding the Changing Cross-Sectional Relation between Accruals and Cash Flows
【Time】Thursday, Nov. 7...
【Speaker】Andrew Benjamin Meyer, Post-doctoral, The University of Chicago
【Topic】Sequential contrast effects in multi-attribute choice
【Time】Wednesday, October.30, 13:30 -15:00pm
【Venue】Shunde ...
【Speaker】Charles Shi, Associate Professor, the National University of Singapore
【Topic】Peer Effects in Bank Loan Accounting
【Time】Thursday, Oct. 24, 14:00-15:30
【Location】Room335, Weilun Build...