【Speaker】Wang Jing, Associate Professor of School of Human Resource Management, York University
【Topic】The Earnings Effect of Sexual Orientation: What Still Matters
【Time】Tuesday, May 9, 13:30-15:00
【Venue】Room 401, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM
【Organizer】Department of Leadership and Organization Management
【Abstract】Using the British Workplace Employment Relations Study with its preferred measure of sexual orientation as well as its firm-level variables, we examine the extent to which wage differentials remain an issue affecting sexual minorities. We find that gay men earn slightly more than heterosexual men, lesbians earn significantly more than heterosexual women, and bisexual persons earn the same as heterosexual persons. The wage premium for gay men and lesbians is the result of a larger premium for those who are unmarried; the premium is insignificant if they are married. The wage premium for gay men and lesbians also prevails only if they work in establishments with a diversity and equity management (DEM) policy.