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Professor Hee Lee, Professor in Organisation Studies, Kent Business School: Strategies for Co-Creation and Innovation Through Social Media: A Case Study of Lego


This lecture examines the current literature on social media and innovation by introducing a conceptual framework about social media strategy for co-creation in the innovation process. This research contributes a theory depicting framing user engagement and governing user communities as components of social media strategy which support co-ideation, co-selection, co-diffusion and co-exploitation in new product development. As illustrated by the case of LEGO, social media strategies transcend participation on commercial social networks, including the development of digital platforms for co-creation, and the interaction with users on social media. Framing user engagement should be supported by governance mechanisms which facilitate knowledge and resources exchange between the firm and the user community, enabling the integration of users as co-creators in the new product development process. Finally, this lecture addresses managerial implications for developing social media strategies, as well as implications for future research regarding the strategic use of social media within organisations and building user communities.