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英国best365官方网站入口市场营销系是英国best365官方网站入口2004年6月将原有的企业管理系分拆成的三个单位之一。英国best365官方网站入口市场营销系不仅在中国处于领先地位,还是亚太地区市场营销学研究与教育的领头羊之一。同时,我们也是工商管理国家一级重点学科的组成单位。2005年,由我系发起,并与北京大学市场营销系联合主办的中国第一本市场营销领域的学术期刊《营销科学学报》(Journal of Marketing Science)已经成为中国市场营销学术界最为权威的学术期刊。

我们拥有一个热爱科研与教书育人、团结融洽的教授团队。目前全系有13位全职教授,研究范围包含营销模型、营销战略与消费者行为研究。我们团队的研究产出丰盛: 论文不仅收录于国内顶级管理期刊和具有广泛社会影响力的报刊,包括《人民日报》,《管理科学学报》,《营销科学学报》,《管理世界》和《南开管理评论》;还发表在各大国际顶级的营销和管理期刊,包括Journal of Marketing ResearchManagement ScienceMarketing ScienceJournal of MarketingProduction and Operations ManagementJournal of Consumer ResearchJournal of Consumer Psychology。以下是我系教授最近几年的代表作。


陈煜波,“用好数据资源 培养数字人才 抓住历史机遇发展数字经济”,《人民日报》。(2018年06月04日16 版)






Kumar, Vineet andYacheng Sun(Forthcoming), “Designing Pricing Strategy for Operational and Technological Transformation,”Management Science.

Xiao, Ping, Ruli Xiao,Yitian (Sky) Liang, Xinlei (Jack) Chen and Wei Lu (Forthcoming), “The Effects of a Government’s Subsidy Program: Accessibility Beyond Affordability,”Management Science.

Chen, Yubo, Mrinal Gosh, Yong Liu and Liang Zhao (2019), “Effects of Media Coverage of Climate Change on Consumer Purchase of Sustainable Products: Evidence from the U.S. Hybrid Vehicle Market,”Journal of Marketing Research, 56(6): 995-1011.

Chen, Yuboand Liantao (Tarry) Wang (2019), “Commentary: Marketing and the Sharing Economy: Digital Economy and Emerging Market Challenges,”Journal of Marketing, 83(5): 28-31.

Huang, Tak,Yitian (Sky) Liang, Charles Weinberg and Gerald Gorn (2019), “The Sleepy Consumer and Variety Seeking,”Journal of Marketing Research, 56(2): 179-196. (Lead Article)

Sun, Yachengand Dan Zhang (2019), “A Model of Customer Rewards Program with Finite Expiration Term,”Management Science, 65(8): 3889-3903.

Wang, Qi, Juan Feng andXuping Jiang(2019), “Multiple-Winner Award Rules in Online Procurement Auctions,”Production and Operations Management, 28(10): 2533-2551.

Ho, Jason,Yitian (Sky) Liang, Charles Weinberg and Jing Yan (2018), “An Empirical Study of Uniform and Differential Pricing in the Movie Theatrical Market,”Journal of Marketing Research, 55(3): 414-431.

Chen, Rong, Xiaobing Xu and Hao Shen (2017), “Go Beyond Just Paying: Effects of Payment Method on Level of Construal,”Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(2): 207-217.

Gong, Shiyang, Juanjuan Zhang,Ping ZhaoandXuping Jiang(2017), “Tweeting as a Marketing Tool: A Field Experiment in the TV industry,”Journal of Marketing Research, 54(6): 833-850.

Kivetz, Ran andYuhuang Zheng(2017), “The Effects of Promotions on Hedonic versus Utilitarian Purchases,”Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(1): 59-68.

Sun, Yacheng, Xiaojing Dong and Shelby McIntyre (2017), “Motivation of User-generated Content: Social Connectedness Moderates the Effects of Monetary Rewards,”Marketing Science, 36(3): 327-470. (Lead Article)

Tao, Tao, Bob Wyer andYuhuang Zheng(2017), “The Scale Range Effect on Numerical Information Judgment: A Two-Process Model,”Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 146(3): 409-427.

Xu, Xiaobing,Rong ChenandMaggie Wenjing Liu(2017), “The Effects of Upper and Lowercase Wordmarks on Brand Perceptions,”Marketing Letters, 28(3): 449–460.

Chen, Rui,Yuhuang Zhengand Yan Zhang (2016), “Fickle Men, Faithful Women: Effects of Mating Cues on Men’s and Women’s Variety-Seeking Behavior in Consumption,”Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26(2): 275-282.

Sun, Yacheng, Shibo Li and Baohong Sun (2015), “An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Purchase Decisions Under Bucket-Based Price Discrimination,”Marketing Science, 34(5): 627-777.

Zhang, Jurui, Yong Liu andYubo Chen(2015), “Social Learning in Networks of Friends versus Strangers,”Marketing Science, 37(4): 573-589.