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管理科学与工程系    史带讲席教授

英国best365官方网站入口 副院长



办公室:李华楼 B507


开放时间:周五 11:00-12:00


2000-2005,美国加州大学欧文分校Paul Merage商学院,获博士学位(信息系统方向)





2015年起, 英国best365官方网站入口副院长







从事信息系统 (Information Systems) 学科研究,主要研究领域包括信息技术(IT)商业价值与IT治理;数字化转型、商务计算与分析、金融科技等。



在国际学术期刊和会议上发表论文80余篇,其中多篇发表在Management ScienceMIS QuarterlyInformation Systems ResearchStrategic Management JournalContemporary Accounting Research等管理学国际顶尖期刊,以下是部分发表的文章。

1. Sambhara, C., Rai, A., Xu, S.X. 2022. “Configuring the Enterprise Systems Portfolio: The Role of Information Risk.” Information Systems Research, 33(2): 446-463.

2. Liu, A., Li Y, Xu, S.X. 2021. “Assessing the Unacquainted: Inferred Reviewer Personality and Review Helpfulness.” MIS Quarterly, 45(3): 1113-1148.

3. Dong J., Karhade, P., Rai, A., Xu. S.X. 2021. “How Firms Make Information Technology Investment Decisions: Toward a Behavioral Agency Theory.” Journal of Management Information Systems, 38(1): 29-58.

4. Chen L., Hsieh, JJ, Rai, A., Xu, S.X. 2021. “The Impact of Service Employees’ Infusion Use of CRM Systems on Customer Satisfaction in Face-to-Face and Virtual Channels.” MIS Quarterly, 45(2): 719-754.

5. Cheng, J., Rai, A., Tian, F., Xu, S.X. 2021. “Social Learning in Information Technology Investment: The Role of Board Interlocks.” Management Science, 67(1): 547-576.

6. Liu, A, Liu, A., Wang, R., Xu, S.X. 2020. “Too Much of a Good Thing? The Boomerang Effect of Firms’ Investments on Corporate Social Responsibility during Product Recalls.” Journal of Management Studies, 57(12): 1437-1472.

7. Jia, N., Rai, A., Xu, S.X. 2020. “Reducing Capital Market Anomaly: The Role of Information Technology Using an Information Uncertainty Lens.” Management Science, 66(2): 979-1001.

8. Karahanna, E., Xu, S.X., Xu, Y., Zhang, N. 2018. “The Needs-Affordances-Features (NAF) Perspective for the Use of Social Media.” MIS Quarterly, 42(3): 737-756.

9. Ho, J.L.Y., Tian, F., Wu, A., Xu, S.X. 2017. “Seeking Value through Deviation? Economic Impacts of IT Overinvestment and Underinvestment.” Information Systems Research, 28(4): 850-862.

10. Pincus, M., Tian, F., Wellmeyer, P., Xu, S.X. 2017. “Do Clients’ Enterprise Systems Affect Audit Quality and Efficiency?” Contemporary Accounting Research, 34(4): 1975-2021.

11. Tian, F., Xu, S.X. 2015. “How Do Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Affect Firm Risk? Post-Implementation Impact.” MIS Quarterly, 39(1): 39-60.

12. Karahanna, E., Xu, S.X., Zhang, N. 2015. “Psychological Ownership Motivation and Use of Social Media.” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 23(2): 185-207.

13. Xu, S.X., Zhang, X. 2013. “Impact of Wikipedia on Market Information Environment: Evidence on Management Disclosure and Investor Reaction.” MIS Quarterly, 37(4): 1043-1068. ***MISQ Paper of the Year Award***

14. Liu, A., Liu H., Xu S.X. 2013. “How Do Competitive Environments Moderate CRM Value?” Decision Support Systems, 56: 462-473.

15. Xu, S.X., Zhu, C., Zhu, K. 2012. “Why Do Firms Adopt Innovations in Bandwagons? Evidence of Herd Behavior in Open Standards Adoption.” International Journal of Technology Management, 59(1/2): 63-91.

16. Hsieh, J.J. P.-A., Rai, A., Xu, S.X. 2011. “Extracting Business Value from IT: A Sensemaking Perspective of Post-Adoptive Use.” Management Science, 57(11): 2018-2039.

17. Ho, J., Wu, A., Xu, S.X. 2011. “Corporate Governance and Returns on Information Technology Investment: Evidence from an Emerging Market.” Strategic Management Journal, 32(6): 595-623.

18. Dong, S., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K. 2009. “Information Technology in Supply Chains: The Value of IT-enabled Resources under Competition.” Information Systems Research, 20(1): 18-32.

19. Dedrick, J., Xu, S.X., Zhu, K.X. 2008. “How does Information Technology Shape Supply Chain Relationships? Evidence on the Number of Suppliers.” Journal of Management Information Systems, 25(2): 41-72.

20. Xu, S.X., Xu, Y., Zheng, X. 2008. “Communication Platforms in Electronic Commerce: A Three-Dimension Analysis.” Info, 10(2): 47-56.

21. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X. 2006. “The Process of Innovation Assimilation by Firms in Different Countries: A Technology Diffusion Perspective on E-Business.” Management Science, 52(10): 1557-1576.

22. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Gurbaxani, V., Xu, S.X. 2006. “Migration to Open-Standard Interorganizational Systems: Network Effects, Switching Costs, and Path Dependency.” MIS Quarterly, 30(special issue): 515-539.

23. Zhu, K., Dong, S., Xu, S.X., Kraemer, K.L. 2006. “Innovation Diffusion in Global Contexts: Determinants of Post-Adoption Digital Transformation of European Companies.” European Journal of Information Systems, 15(6): 601-616.

24. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X., Dedrick, J. 2004. “Information Technology Payoff in E-Business Environments: An International Perspective on Value Creation of E-Business in the Financial Services Industry.” Journal of Management Information Systems, 21(1): 17-54.

25. Xu, S.X., Zhu, K., Gibbs, J. 2004. “Global Technology, Local Adoption: A Cross-Country Investigation of Internet Adoption by Companies in the United States and China.” Electronic Markets, 14(1): 13-24.

26. Zhu, K., Kraemer, K.L., Xu, S.X. 2003. “E-business Adoption by European Firms: A Cross-Country Assessment of the Facilitators and Inhibitors.” European Journal of Information Systems, 12(4): 251-268.



  • 2021,第19届电子商务大会最佳论文奖(Michael J Shaw Best Paper Award)

  • 2021,CIST(Conference on Information Systems and Technolog)最佳学生奖提名

  • 2020,第41届国际信息系统年会(International Conference on Information Systems)最佳学生奖(Best Student Paper)

  • 2018,第39届国际信息系统年会(International Conference on Information Systems)最佳论文提名

  • 2017,中国信息经济学乌家培优秀博士生奖(徐心教授博士生团队)

  • 2016,教育部长江学者特聘教授

  • 2016,中国信息经济学乌家培奖

  • 2016,第37届国际信息系统年会(International Conference on Information Systems)最佳论文提名

  • 2016,入选《国家自然科学基金资助项目优秀成果选编(六)》

  • 2015,第75届美国管理学会(Academy of Management)年会组织通讯与信息系统(OCIS)并列最佳论文奖

  • 2015,入选《国家杰出青年科学基金二十周年巡礼》

  • 2014,《MIS Quarterly》年度(唯一)最佳论文奖

  • 2013,《Information Systems Research》年度最佳编辑(Best Associate Editor)

  • 2012,国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金

  • 2009,教育部新世纪优秀人才

  • 2009,第30届国际信息系统年会(International Conference on Information Systems)最佳论文提名

  • 2007, 第19届亚太地区国际会计年会Vernon Zimmerman最佳论文奖

  • 2004,第10届美洲信息系统年会(Americas’ Conference on Information Systems)国际领域最佳论文奖

  • 2003,第24届国际信息系统年会(International Conference on Information Systems)最佳论文奖

  • 2002,第23届国际信息系统年会(International Conference on Information Systems)最佳论文奖



现任国际信息系统学会中国分会副主席,中国信息系统协会常务理事,中国信息经济学会常务理事。担任 MIS Quarterly(MISQ)Senior Editor (2016-2022),Information Systems Research(ISR)Associate Editor (2012-2015)。2012年获ISR年度杰出副主编奖(AE of the Year)。
